Thursday, August 21, 2008

So it begins... sorta

My head is a little foggy today due to being bad once again last night which is part of the reason for my little experiment I'm calling 30 days + 30 nights. Can you guess what it's going to be about... ohh if you guessed sobriety or something that has to do with going on the wagon you're one smart cookie. Not that I think I have a problem but more of quest to see if I can actually exist in SF amongst my drinkie friends and pull off no drinking for 30 days. Did I mention I'm trying to lose weight as well?

Reason 1 for 30 days + 30 nights: Bad Behavior

GWAD I just heard a voice mail from some guy who I have no idea is but obviously I met last night (him "yea we met last night") wait, what? I remember buying a box of milk duds at Walgreens but not meeting some random guy... who I gave my number?? So BAD. I'm hoping I didn't kiss this guy, unless he is hot, which is never the case, I'm guessing he's a dog...shit.
Lurpy again. Ok so maybe this could fall under "have a slight problem" or maybe it's don't drink 2 bottles of wine, shared with a friend of course. (I'm not *that* much of a booze hound). Wine seems to have the double up effect on me... should have stuck to my usual vodka soda, I never get in that much trouble with those. But no, last night was a wine night = bad. booo blaaaa. crap.

Reason 2 for 30 days + 30 nights: 5'5" 145 pounds = Mega MOO

I feel fat as a house. Actually it was the pair of jeans I put on yesterday that use to be lose and now are snug and when I say snug I mean snug not in a good way. WTF. Jumping on the scale now, drum roll please... 145 pounds! What up mega moo. So that brings me to the other half of my experiment—does not drinking really make that much of a difference when you're trying to lose weight? I'm gonna guess maybe a bit but I'm really curious to see what 30 days can do or not do in regards to my mega mooness.

So against my better judgement I'll be posting all the odd and and random things that happen while I attempt not to drink
and lose weight . Sept 1st is the official start to 30 days + 30 nights! I have a feeling this is going to be pretty damn hard to stick to. I have few days left of "freedom" = drinks and eating whatever I feel like. That being said I'm running out to grab some hangover lunch = pizza. Yes I know that's not helping the mega moo.

Unofficial stats 8-21-08
weight: 145
drinks: none yet, it's only 4pm ;)